Val Avionics COM760 transceiver. Toggle Freq. select with dual channel flip-flop. Large digital character display. 25 […]
Reclaimed Cessna parts
Val Avionics COM760 transceiver. Toggle Freq. select with dual channel flip-flop. Large digital character display. 25 […]
Ameri-King Corp. ELT remote switch P/N 450004 .
King Radio Corp. KMA 20 Marker beacon receiver and isolation amplifier. P/N 066-1024-03 . 13.7/27.5 […]
182RG Main landing gear rotary actuator assembly end caps. P/N 1281021-3 .
Various Cessna cabin air vent outlets and assemblies P/N 0413163 and 0413155 . Many others […]
182 Aileron push rod assembly P/N 0760704-1 . Out of 1999 C-182S R/H wing.
182 Flap push rod assembly P/N 1260128-9 . Out of 1999 C-182S R/H wing.
Early Cessna wing landing light window assembly P/N 0523115. Off C-170A.
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