182 Shimmy Dampener

Early model 182 shimmy dampener.

182 Shimmy Dampener

Late model 182 shimmy dampener.

Cessna Nose Wheel Shimmy Dampener

Cessna nose wheel shimmy dampener. 10 inch rod including fork. C-172 style.

Late Model 182 Gear Legs

Cessna late model 182 Gear Legs. L/H and R/H.

Early 180/185 Control Column Cover

Early 180/182 control column cover with attaching brackets. P/N 0700105-266. SW No.:   SW51116

Radio Harness

King KYB97 radio harness shown. Others in stock.

Westach Quad CHT

Westach quads CHT 3AQ1. Westberg Mfg. Inc. Accuracy within 2%.

J.P. Instruments Digital Tachometer

J.P. Instruments digital tachometer DQT-6B. 2600RL 2500YL.

Insight Graphic Engine Monitor

Insight graphic engine monitor GEM-602. Able to display up to EGT/CHT temperatures. Automatic intensity control […]

Electronics International EGT

Electronics International single channel EGT. Model E-1. Large backlit LCD display. For use with P-110 EGT […]