C-172 Elevator Bellcrank

C-172 elevator bellcrank P/N 0534122-1 .

C-172 Fuel Valve

C-172 fuel selector valve. P/N 0513120 .

C-180 Window Latch

Early model C-180 window latch. P/N 0413362-2 and 0413362-3

Cabin Heat Valve

Cabin heat valve/ body. P/N 0553001-1

Stall Horn

Cessna Stall Warning Horn Part No.:  0511062-10.

Audio Jack Holders

Audio jack holders. New! White, Black and various other colours.

Cessna Tail Lift Handle

Cessna tail lift handle assembly. P/N 1612032-1 .

180/185 Defroster Nozzle Assembly

180/185 Defroster Nozzle Assembly. Also Fits C-172. P/N 0513386-1        

180/182 Carb.Heat Box

Early model 180/182 carb heat box. P/N 0750126-21 .

180/182 Spinner Bulkhead

Early model 180/182 spinner bulkhead assembly. P/N 0752004 .